Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Tips for sharing iVisit 3D panoramas

Everything you need for viewing panoramas is automatically created by Artlantis 4. The .html file, the Flash player and the assets are all part of the final panorama folder, which can be shared in the following ways:
  1. Zip the panorama folder and send it through e-mail, Skype, or any file sharing service: This is the simplest way to share it with other people. After unzipping the folder, a double-click on the .html file is enough to start the navigation.
  2. Upload the panorama folder to and create your own Artlantis Book! The Artlantis Book is the public page of any member of the Artlantis website. This page automatically gathers and displays all uploaded renderings, videos and panoramas of the site member, even if they weren't admitted into one of the Artlantis galleries. The individual public profile can be found in the My profile area of each member. Completed with a short biography and other information, this page acts like a portfolio of one's achievements with Artlantis. Visit the Artlantis Book of one our key users here!
  3. Add the panorama to any website: Upload the panorama folder to the FTP server storing the website and link it to the other pages. If the name of the panorama is "ivisit" for example, the link will look like this: websiteaddress/ivisit/ivisit.html Check out a panorama shared through a private website here!
  4. To share an iVisit 3D panorama on iOS devices without Flash, users should transform the folder into a format iPhone and iPad can read: The video tutorial showing how to do it can be seen here!

Have fun with iVisit 3D, the presentation tool developed especially for architects and designers!

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