Thursday, July 05, 2012

All's Well That's Maxwell

The standout feature in Artlantis 4.1 is undoubtedly the optional Maxwell Render engine. Maxwell Render is legendary for its physically accurate rendering engine, generating hyper-realistic images that rival photographs. With the addition of this engine in Artlantis, you will have access to both the fastest rendering engine and the most accurate rendering engine on the market today...truly the best of both worlds. We'll discuss some of the logistical issues with the new Maxwell Render engine, then delve into some of the important benefits, to give you an indication of where the Maxwell Render engine might best fit into your workflow.

The Maxwell Render engine is automatically installed with Artlantis 4.1 and runs in a watermarked demo mode for 30 days. To use it to generate a rendering, simply select "Maxwell Render..." under the Inspector menu. Naturally, to achieve the higher levels of quality possible with the Maxwell Render engine, there is a significant rendering time increase when compared to the Artlantis engine (could be 5, 10, or even 20 times longer, depending on how long you let it run), so it's important to do some testing to get a feel for what to expect so that you can plan your projects accordingly. Because it is an add-on product licensed from Next Limit Technologies, the purchase of a separate serial number is required. At this time, there are no upgrade or side-grade discounts on this product for existing Maxwell Render owners.

Even if you already own the stand-alone Maxwell Render product, there are some compelling reasons why the Maxwell Render engine for Artlantis is a good investment. First, because Artlantis offers a faster rendering engine, it makes sense to start your rendering project in Artlantis to be able quickly produce preliminary renderings. Should the need arise to create higher quality renderings using the Maxwell Render engine, you'll already have most of your project set up done...just a few tweaks (i.e. applying the dedicated Maxwell Shaders to reflective and refractive surfaces, such as metals and glass) and you're ready to go. Furthermore, the Artlantis user interface is simpler to use and easier to master, so there is no need to get bogged down in the complex interface of the stand-alone Maxwell Render software in order to get the benefits of its rendering engine. Finally, the Maxwell Render engine costs $250 less than Maxwell Render stand-alone, making it an incredible value for both Artlantis users and existing Maxwell Render users alike.

Try the new Maxwell Render engine out for yourself and see what it can do for your renderings.

Maxwell Render Pricing and Ordering

Download the Artlantis 30-day Demo

Artlantis Pricing and Ordering

Maxwell Render Tutorial - Reverse a normal for neon effect

Maxwell Render Tutorial - Easy reflections and shininess settings

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