Sunday, March 03, 2013

Language support integrated into the BIMobject portal

Multi-language support will greatly enhance the experience for many users and make it easier to access and use the BIM objects published on the portal. This further supports the BIMobject mission, of being the primary global BIM object content provider for the building industry, by attracting more BIM users across the world.

The version released provides the BIM object catalogue in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German. More languages will be added during 2013.

All search, filter and integrated functions are available in the different languages so users can use the portal in their native language or the language required for the project. All the language features are available immediately in the highly popular BIMobject APP for Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD.

The integrated support for languages in the BIMobject portal also benefits international component manufacturers with a much reduced maintenance on making available country specific BIM objects. And where manufacturers have their own private clouds to publish BIMobject catalogues, they can also choose the most appropriate language.

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